Diamond Dispersion and Surface Modification

Theoretically, the surface of diamond is generally covered with a layer of hydrophobic C-H bonding, but after the diamond powder has been cleaned and decontaminated by strong acid and strong alkali for many times, the functional group on the surface will be removed in the process of cleaning, because we know that the diamond is a very stable material, which does not react with other materials and is not soluble in strong acid and strong alkali, and then it is necessary to do it in the additives or other applications to modify the surface electrical properties of the diamond. For example, if diamond is to be applied to molecules with amine group (-NH2) to produce identification, carboxyl group (-COOH) can be produced on the surface. This method can be obtained by washing the surface of nano-diamond with strong acid or placing nano-diamond into acid and heating it up, and the oxygen-containing functional group (e.g., C=O, C-O-C, etc.) can be added to increase the affinity with water. If the diamond is to be dispersed in oily products, it can be placed in a breathing furnace and heated to 500~700 degrees Celsius with hydrogen bond on the surface to increase the affinity with oily products. In the dispersion of water-based or oil-based liquids, it can be dispersed by sodium hexametaphosphate or polymer interfacial activator (cationic and anionic), which is also often used nowadays. Nowadays, polymer interfacial activators (both cationic and anionic) such as ammonium oleate soap are also commonly used to rectify the electrical properties and ph value of the solution to achieve the dispersion effect.

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