Diamond Tools

Product Applications

How to correctly choose a grinding wheel for tool grinding?

There are many types of grinding wheels and tools, with various shapes and sizes. Depending on the abrasive material, bonding agent, and manufacturing process, each grinding wheel has a specific range of applications. An incorrect choice can directly affect machining accuracy, surface roughness, and production efficiency. Therefore, when performing grinding operations, it is essential to select the appropriate grinding wheel based on the specific situation. How can we correctly choose a grinding wheel? Here’s a summary of commonly used grinding wheels in machining to help you make informed choices.

Product Applications

What are the diamond grinding (work) tools?

Diamond is one type of superhard material and cubic boron nitride is another. The two kinds of superhard materials after a series of machining and processing procedures can be made into a variety of tools and directly with them into a variety of functional devices, collectively referred to as superhard material products.

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