
Multi Point Diamond Dresser


Diamonds are available in both natural and synthetic varieties

Multi Point Diamond Dresser

Multi Point Diamond Dresser is a tool that uses several smaller diamonds to impact the grinding wheel at the same time, allowing the diamond dresser to perform sharpening and finishing operations on different grinds.vv



Total Diamond WeightNumber of DiamondsDiamond LayersCode
1.0 carat31DM03201
1.0 carat51DM05101
1.0 carat61DM06101
1.4 carat71DM07101
0.6 carat31DM03101
  • Please specify the code and handle size or provide a detailed drawing when ordering.

Any questions? Contact HonWay

Product Code


Product Specification

03201, 05101, 06101, 07101, 03101

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