Nano Diamond Production Methods and Characteristics

Nano diamond in the manufacturing process, like other nano particles can be divided into two kinds of button up and top down, of which the explosion method of nano diamonds that is the representative of the button up, the explosion method of nano diamonds than the grinding method of diamonds to the appearance of the round, not as much as the grinding method of diamonds have diamonds have corners, the appearance of the appearance of the popcorn similar to popcorn, the surface of the porous nature of the special characteristics of the surface, and therefore have a very large specific surface area, can be utilized by a variety of industries, such as lubricating oil additives, the carrier of the medicine, or to do the emi level of polished materials.
In the past, diamond has been regarded as an unattainable gemstone, but nowadays the development of science and technology has been from natural diamonds, laboratory production of diamonds, and even now industrial mass production of diamonds, the price is even more affordable to the people, there are many kinds of methods, but in a variety of methods, with a microscopic point of view are all from the high-temperature and high-pressure method, no matter whether it is the simulation of geology under the use of the two-sided top or six-sided top of the high-temperature and high pressure machine, or gas-phase layering method CVD (basically CVD method is to use methane between the molecules of high-speed impact will be four hydrogen next to the carbon into carbon after layering on the substrate. or vapor phase deposition method CVD, (basically CVD method is the use of methane in the intermolecular high-speed impact, the carbon next to the four hydrogen replacement for carbon, the layer on the substrate slowly grow and become, so in the microscopic structure, high-speed impact is also generated by high temperature and high pressure and the production of diamonds), or the explosive method (explosive method for the use of TNT or NTX explosion in a confined space, because of its explosion � oxygen deficient The graphite in the explosives will be converted into diamonds, because the pressure disappears instantly, but the temperature of the explosion is extremely high, so we must use various methods to quickly cool down, so as not to let the diamonds due to the high temperature again converted into graphite), or sonic method and other ways to produce diamonds, in all the ways of production to the explosive method to get the nano-diamonds have the highest production efficiency, the use of the explosive method of production due to the loss of pressure at high temperatures When the diamond is converted into graphite, so the nano diamond just produced is covered with 40% carbon, the structure of this carbon is largely graphite, then we call the nano diamond just produced without strong acid and strong alkali washing nano diamond black powder, but also because of the covering of this layer of carbon with extremely strong bonds, so that the surface of the nano diamond has a lot more functional mechanisms, before removing the graphite this accidental burden, the black powder has many more uses. Before removing the unexpected burden of graphite, black powder has many more uses, such as rubber additives, lubricant additives, etc. The effect of using black powder is much better than using the treated surface to remove the carbon layer (gray powder), so don’t make a mistake when choosing an occasion to use it in the future, what is the Nano Diamond Lime Powder? When the carbon of the black powder’s outer layer is washed away using strong acid and alkali, the color of the black powder is gray and black, and the Nano Diamond can only be made in granularity at that time. At this time, the nano diamond can do particle size grading processing, and the purity of the diamond is more than 99%, at this time, we call the nano diamond as nano diamond lime powder, the use of gray powder is mostly used in the grinding and polishing on the occasion, in the treatment of the target of the nano diamond carrier are also using gray powder, so that in the future, when we hear that the diamond black powder or gray powder, we will know the definition of what, as well as the use of the difference.

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