Mirror machining means that the machined surface is like a mirror that can reflect the image, this level has reached a very good quality of the surface of the workpiece, mirror machining is not only able to create a high “face value” for the product, but also reduce the chipping effect, extend the fatigue life of the workpiece; in many assemblies, sealing structure has an important significance. Polishing mirror processing technology is mainly used to reduce the surface roughness of the workpiece, the metal workpiece for the choice of polishing technology, according to the different needs of different methods can be selected, the following is the polishing mirror processing technology common methods.

1、Mechanical Polishing

Mechanical polishing is to rely on cutting, plastic deformation of the material surface to remove the convexity of the polished surface and get a smooth surface polishing methods, generally using oil stone strips, wool wheels, sandpaper, etc., mainly hand-operated, special parts such as the surface of the rotating body, can be used to rotary table and other auxiliary tools, the surface of the surface quality of the requirements of the high quality of the surface can be used in the ultra-fine grinding and polishing methods. Ultra-precision grinding and polishing is the use of special abrasives in a grinding and polishing solution containing abrasives, pressed against the surface of the workpiece to be machined, high-speed rotary motion. With this technique, a surface roughness of Ra0.008μm can be achieved, which is the highest among all polishing methods. This method is often used for optical lens molds.

2、 Chemical Polishing

Chemical polishing is a process whereby the microscopic projections on the surface of a material in a chemical medium are dissolved in preference to the concave portion of the material, resulting in a smooth surface. The main advantage of this method is that it does not require complicated equipment, can polish complex shapes of workpieces, and can polish many workpieces at the same time, with high efficiency. The core issue of chemical polishing is the preparation of the polishing solution. The surface roughness obtained by chemical polishing is typically 10 μm.

3、 Electrolytic Polishing

The basic principle of electrolytic polishing is the same as that of chemical polishing, i.e., it relies on the selective dissolution of tiny projections on the surface of the material to make the surface smooth. Compared with chemical polishing, the effect of cathodic reaction can be eliminated and the effect is better. The electrochemical polishing process is divided into two steps: (1), macroscopic leveling The dissolved products are diffused into the electrolytic solution, and the geometric roughness of the surface of the material decreases, Ra >1μm. ( 2 ), shimmering flat anodized, surface brightness increased, Ra < 1μm.

4、 Hauckner Mirror Processing Equipment

As a new technology of polishing, it has unique advantages in many kinds of metal parts processing. It can replace the traditional grinding machines, rolling, tumbling, honing, polishing machines, belt sanding machines and other metal surface finishing machines and processes; it makes the processing of metal workpieces with a high degree of finish as easy as possible. Hawknen can not only polish, but also bring a lot of additional benefits: it can make the surface finish of the processed workpiece increase by more than 3 grades (the roughness Ra value easily reaches 0.2 or less); and the surface micro-hardness of the workpiece increases by more than 20%; and greatly improves the surface abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance of the workpiece. Hawkener can be used to treat all kinds of stainless steel and other metal workpieces.

5、 Ultrasonic Polishing

The workpiece is put into the abrasive suspension and placed together in the ultrasonic wave field, relying on the oscillation of the ultrasonic wave to make the abrasive grinding and polishing on the surface of the workpiece. Ultrasonic processing macroscopic force is small, will not cause deformation of the workpiece, but the workpiece production and installation is more difficult. Ultrasonic processing can be combined with chemical or electrochemical methods. On the basis of solution corrosion, electrolysis, and then apply ultrasonic vibration stirring solution, so that the surface of the workpiece dissolved product detachment, near the surface of the corrosion or electrolyte uniform; ultrasonic cavitation in the liquid can also inhibit the process of corrosion, conducive to the surface of the brightening.

6、 Fluid Polishing

Fluid polishing relies on high-speed flowing liquid and the abrasive particles it carries to brush the surface of the workpiece to achieve the purpose of polishing. Commonly used methods include: abrasive jetting, liquid jetting, fluid power grinding, etc. Fluid-powered grinding is driven by hydraulic pressure, causing liquid media carrying abrasive particles to flow repeatedly over the surface of the workpiece at high speed. The media are mainly made of special compounds (polymeric substances) that flow well at low pressures and are doped with abrasives, which can be silicon carbide powder.

7、Mirror polishing

Mirror, magnetic grinding and polishing magnetic grinding and polishing is the use of magnetic abrasives in the magnetic field under the action of the formation of abrasive brushes, the workpiece grinding process. This method has high processing efficiency, good quality, easy control of processing conditions and good working conditions. With the use of suitable abrasives, the surface roughness can reach Ra 0.1μm. The polishing in plastic mold processing is very different from the surface polishing required in other industries. Strictly speaking, the polishing of molds should be called mirror surface processing. It not only has high requirements for the polishing itself but also for the surface flatness, smoothness and geometrical accuracy. Surface polishing is generally only required to obtain a bright surface. Mirror processing standards are divided into four levels: AO=Ra0.008μm, A1=Ra0.016μm, A3=Ra0.032μ m, A4=Ra0.063μm, due to electrolytic polishing, fluid polishing and other methods is difficult to accurately control the geometric accuracy of the parts, and chemical polishing, ultrasonic polishing, magnetic polishing and other methods of surface quality can not meet the requirements, so precision molds are still mainly mechanical polishing. Therefore, the mirror processing of precision molds or mechanical polishing is the main.

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