Manufacturing Process of Grinding Wheels

1. Mixing of materials

Homogeneous mixing of diamond binders and resins, metals, ceramics or abrasive particles (diamonds or GC) as the main body of the grinding wheel. Each of the above materials is made of tiny particles ranging from a few micrometers to tens of micrometers. The smaller the particles and powders, the stronger the adhesion between them. As a result, they tend to clump together, a phenomenon known as “agglomeration”. In order to prevent them from “clustering” and to keep them separate and homogeneous (called “dispersion”), mixing is an important process to stabilize the properties of the wheel. Because of its size, it is impossible to keep a single particle or powder in one place in the mixture. Similarly, it is not possible to realize a regular arrangement. However, the designers are able to realize the target function and quality of the grinding wheel with a degree of uniform dispersion of the structural material. So how do you make it decentralized? The extent to which they are decentralized is a matter of our company’s treasured technology, which we are unfortunately unable to disclose to the public.

2、Molding(adjusting the shape)

Creates the approximate shape of the grinding wheel. A grinding wheel made from a powdered material, usually added to a mold and solidified under pressure. This mold is our know-how area, and we make almost all of them in-house. Thin grinding wheels are sometimes shaped by dissolving the powdered material in a solvent to form a gel, laying it down to an approximate thickness, and then drying it to form the target shape. It is at this stage of the molding process that the performance of the wheel and the uniformity of the quality are determined.

3. Sintering (sintering and firing)

Sintering of molded grinding wheels. What is the purpose of sintering? By simply pressurizing the material, microparticles and micropowders, which are inherently characteristic of the material, are solidified. The finished molded grinding wheel is heated at high temperature to give it the strength of a grinding wheel sheet. In high-temperature heating, the metal is alloyed and also metal-chained. The resin is molecularized by orientation force. The result is a strength that cannot be obtained by pressurized condensation alone. We use the following equipment for sintering.

● Hot press heats the material while pressurizing it under atmospheric pressure. It is easy to handle with simple construction equipment, but it is mainly used for sintering resin materials due to acidification of materials.

● Resistance Sintering Machine The material itself is heated by electric current with Joule heat to do combustion. It is possible to achieve a rapid temperature increase, equivalent to high temperature (more than 1000 ℃). It is also possible to control the acidification of the material in a vacuum environment. However, if there is a non-conductive material, it cannot be used.

● Free Sintering Furnace enables sintering of fully pressurized grinding wheels without pressure. It is also used for large grinding wheels that do not go into the vacuum furnace.

● Vacuum Sintering Furnace is sintered by means of a heater, which prevents acidification of the material because of the vacuum environment. It is also capable of sintering at high temperatures up to 1000°C or more.

● Vacuum Plasma Sintering Furnace This equipment combines the advantages of vacuum sintering furnace and resistance sintering. In a vacuum environment, the material is sintered while being energized. This method has good sintering effect on materials that are not easy to sinter.

4、Final processing (final molding)

The sintered wheel is still only roughly shaped. It is necessary to grind again according to the required surface.

● If the wheel is attached to a thick grinding wheel or table gold (i.e., the base of the wheel.), it is not possible to use the wheel as an abrasive. If the tires of a car have grinding wheels (equivalent to gears), they can be sharpened with various types of grinders. * The important dimension of the finished product is the center hole that must pass through the rotary shaft of the machine when it is mounted on the grinding machine. Here, the process of getting the specified dimensions of grinding is called internal rounding. In addition, the process of forming the shape of the grinding wheel to the required dimensions is called cylindrical machining. Thickness of abrasive wheels containing taikin, adjustment of surface roughness or addition of angular engineering known as face grinding.

● There are some examples of EDMs being used to machine grinding wheels of difficult shapes. This processing engineering is the most important know-how of our company, which may not be processed by other companies. Since this is a very precise process, the processing equipment is placed in a room where the temperature and humidity are controlled to a certain value.

● In the case of grinding wheels that are not attached to a table and have an entire layer of abrasive wheels, a grinding machine called a Lapping machine is used to adjust the thickness of the wheel by precision grinding with free abrasive particles.

● In addition, if the grinding wheel layer is sintered separately, a metal plate is used as the substrate and sintered after assembly. After that, it goes through the washing and drying process and then moves on to the shipment inspection process. Compared to large-scale grinding wheel companies, we use state-of-the-art equipment to produce grinding wheels. In addition, we use the latest equipment for inspection and analysis in order to provide users with high-quality and high-performance products. However, we are proud of our manufacturing staff, who know a lot about grinding wheel manufacturing, and this is the biggest difference between our products and those of other companies.

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