How to Choose Between Diamond Wheels and CBN Wheels?


In terms of grinding wheel abrasives, they can be divided into general abrasives and super abrasives. Diamond and CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) are classified as super abrasives.

The reason is their hardness far exceeds that of other abrasives, making them ideal for grinding high-hardness materials.

Comparison of Diamond and CBN

NameDiamondCubic Boron Nitride (CBN)
PropertiesThe hardest material in industry and the hardest abrasiveAn abrasive with hardness second only to diamond
IntroductionIt has the highest hardness and natural stability, but it is relatively expensive, so synthetic diamonds are commonly usedA high-density cubic lattice (c-BN) formed from hexagonal boron nitride (H-BN) under high temperature and pressure. Its crystal structure is similar to that of diamond, with hardness second only to diamond. Composed of boron and nitrogen atoms, CBN has better thermal stability and chemical inertness towards ferrous metals compared to diamond

How to Choose Between Diamond and CBN Grinding Wheels

How to Choose Between Diamond Wheels and CBN Wheels?

There are two key points to consider:

  1. Avoid Iron Elements: Generally, diamond grinding wheels are not recommended for workpieces containing iron elements (such as iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese) because these elements can catalyze the conversion of diamond into graphite during grinding. This not only results in poor grinding performance but also damages the grinding wheel, leading to unnecessary losses.
  2. Diamond’s Low Heat Resistance: When grinding temperatures reach> 600°C, diamond can dissolve in certain elements (like rare earth elements, La, Ce) or form carbides with some elements (like refractory transition elements, Ti, Zr), accelerating wheel wear. Therefore, diamond wheels are not suitable for high-temperature processing.

Thus, when high-speed grinding (which increases temperature) or the processing of iron elements is required, CBN wheels are the better choice.

Materials Suitable for Grinding:

Diamond Grinding Wheels: Suitable for grinding or cutting materials like tungsten carbide, carbonized iron (steel), glass, quartz, stone, shells, ceramics, refractory materials, semiconductors, graphite, tiles, asphalt, concrete, asbestos, plastics, etc.

CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride) Grinding Wheels: Suitable for grinding tools such as tool steel, high-speed steel, mold steel, bearing steel, stainless steel, heat-resistant steel, titanium alloys, cast iron, and steel materials hardened to over> HRC45 after heat treatment.


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