Do you know which grinding and polishing consumables can be used with a metallographic polishing machine?

Walking on the street, you can always see the eye full of handsome men and women, the new wave of fashion all kinds of wear, personality, avant-garde, retro, Buddhist ……. As long as the imagination is enough, with how you wear, how to take, can be a fan, personality to publicize the era, everything by you to decide. However, our metallographic laboratory metallographic polishing machine can not be randomly match, personalization can be, but can not match the wrong, otherwise you will not be able to let your samples to restore the truth.

Metallographic polishing machine is a necessary sampling equipment for every metallographic laboratory, while the metallographic grinding and polishing consumables that can be used with the metallographic polishing machine are very many, with hundreds of varieties and models, and the friends who do metallographic work will use a few or a number of types and models of grinding and polishing consumables, which have to be selectively purchased and stocked according to the technical requirements of sample preparation.

The following HONWAY will be able to match with the metallographic polishing machine with the use of grinding and polishing consumables to give a brief introduction to friends, in case they are useful to do a reference in the future.

The main purpose of a metallographic polishing machine is to grind and polish metallographic samples. The products that can be used as grinding and polishing consumables range from metallographic sandpaper, diamond grinding discs, diamond polishing solution, Aluminum Oxide/Silicon Oxide suspension, polishing powder, polishing paste, metallographic polishing cloth, diamond film, polishing cooling lubricant, etc. There are so many types of products that can be used as grinding and polishing consumables. Each category is divided into many models, due to the different applications, so it is more appropriate to refer to the recommendations of the manufacturer’s application engineers when purchasing.

Metallographic sandpaper: Metallographic sandpaper can be used with the metallographic polishing machine, usually round silicon carbide metallographic sandpaper, with and without adhesive backing, with adhesive backing can be directly attached to the abrasive disk, easy to replace, the price is higher compared to the one without adhesive backing. The one without adhesive backing needs to be fixed on the abrasive disk with clamps, which is more economical. The size of the abrasive disc of the metallographic polishing machine determines the size of the metallographic sandpaper to be purchased. Generally, there are three types of sandpaper: 8in, 10in, and 12in, and there are some smaller sizes with a diameter of 3in. Metallographic sandpaper ranges from coarse to fine, from P60 (260μm) to P4000 (5μm), depending on the material of the sample to be prepared and the purpose of preparation.

Diamond Grinding Disc: It is a round diamond grinding and polishing disc that can be used with metallographic polishing machine, the diameter is the same as the metallographic sandpaper, when purchasing, you can choose the same size according to the size of the disc, with adhesive backing. There are several types of diamond grinding discs, such as large grain diamond grinding discs, colored diamond grinding discs, and so on, and we must choose the diamond grinding discs that match the material and physical properties of the samples to be ground and polished. For example, hard alloy, ceramics, glass and thermal spray coating layer and other super-hard material samples can not be selected for copper, brass, aluminum alloy and other softer materials grinding and polishing diamond grinding wheel, various types of diamond grinding wheels are different, can not replace each other. So, please keep this point in mind.

Polishing solution: The polishing solution that can be used with the metallographic polishing machine is mainly diamond polishing solution and Aluminum Oxide/Silicon Oxide final polishing solution. There are several types of diamond polishing fluids, including polycrystalline, monocrystalline and mixed polishing fluids. Generally, polycrystalline diamond polishing fluids are concentrated, which need to be used after adding diluent, and have strong grinding ability, but the price is relatively high. Monocrystalline and mixed polishing fluids are more common. The grain size of diamond is from 0.05 μm to 45 μm, and 1 μm to 15 μm is commonly used. The Alumina/Silicon Oxide final suspension has a grain size from coarse to fine, from 0.02μm to 1μm, which is inexpensive and is widely used for final polishing.

Polishing Cooling Lubricant: Used together with polishing fluid, polishing cooling lubricant has good cooling lubrication effect, environmental protection and anti-corrosion. There are two kinds of lubricants, water-based and oil-based. Water-based lubricants can be used for any materials that are not sensitive to water, while oil-based lubricants can only be used for materials that are sensitive to water, and are for low-speed polishing. It is a necessary consumable for metallographic polishing machine, especially the water-soluble cooling liquid is more widely used.

Metallographic Polishing Cloths: Available in silk, wool, nylon, non-woven and other materials for different applications. Used with polishing solution, different material polishing cloths are used with polishing solution of different grain size. Please refer to the suggestions of application engineers for the choice of polishing cloths for different materials of samples. Metallographic polishing cloths are basically a standard part of the metallographic polishing machine and one of the necessary consumables.

Polishing paste: Generally it is the polishing paste of diamond abrasive grains, monocrystalline or polycrystalline diamond polishing paste, which is suitable for softer and easy-to-embedded materials, and also suitable for polishing samples with high hardness, such as ceramics, glass, cemented carbide, and other high-hardness materials, such as gauges, cutting edge tools, optical instruments and other samples that have high requirements for polishability.

Diamond film: Also known as diamond polishing discs, the grain size ranges from 0.1 μm to 30 μm, which has relatively mild grinding characteristics and is suitable for special applications of fine grinding and polishing of hard materials such as ceramics.

The above are the grinding and polishing consumables that can be used with metallographic polishing machines. Polishing pastes and diamond films are for special applications and should be purchased only when needed. This is a rough introduction for now. Although these matching materials are not as fashionable as the new trend, but they are practical and realistic. For your reference.

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