Product Applications

roduct Applications : HonWay’s brand value is to provide the most suitable and best products for each customer. Not only that, but HonWay also has a wide range of product applications from superabrasive to raw materials for our customers to reference, understand and use.

Do you know which grinding and polishing consumables can be paired with a metallographic polishing machine?

Walking through the streets, you’ll always see well-dressed men and women, with trendy, fashionable outfits—personalized, avant-garde, vintage… As long as your imagination is enough, you can mix and match however you like, and still turn heads. In this era of bold expression, everything is up to you. However, the same cannot be said for the metallographic polishing machine in our lab. Customization is fine, but you can’t mismatch, or you won’t be able to reveal the truth of your sample.

Do you know which grinding and polishing consumables can be paired with a metallographic polishing machine? Read More »

Metallographic Sandpaper: Correct Selection for Perfect Results

During the preparation of metallographic samples, whether they are metals, composite materials, or electronic materials, the use of metallographic sandpaper is usually the first step. The purpose is to remove the damage and deformation layer caused by the cutting process, which is the coarse grinding stage and serves as preparation for subsequent polishing. This step is critical because if not handled properly, it will affect the results of later processes and may even prevent the sample from being properly ground, making it impossible to perform the final metallographic analysis. With this in mind, the editors at Lianneng Metallography have a few suggestions to share, which should help improve your sample preparation work.

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How to correctly choose a grinding wheel for tool grinding?

There are many types of grinding wheels and tools, with various shapes and sizes. Depending on the abrasive material, bonding agent, and manufacturing process, each grinding wheel has a specific range of applications. An incorrect choice can directly affect machining accuracy, surface roughness, and production efficiency. Therefore, when performing grinding operations, it is essential to select the appropriate grinding wheel based on the specific situation. How can we correctly choose a grinding wheel? Here’s a summary of commonly used grinding wheels in machining to help you make informed choices.

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New wear-resistant materials containing nano diamond powder

1992年、米国のヤシュチェンコらは粉末冶金法を用いて新しいタイプの耐摩耗性材料を製造した。この材料は、銅亜鉛粉末と銅スズ粉末をナノダイヤモンド粉末と一定の割合で混合し、圧縮し、水素中で焼結することによって作られた。この新素材は、内燃機関のシリンダーライナーやその他トランスミッション機械のブッシング、滑り軸受の製造に使用できます。この新素材には、摩擦係数が低く、熱伝導率が高いナノグレードのダイヤモンド粉末が含まれているため、耐傷性と耐摩耗性が高くなっています。 実験結果によると、ナノダイヤモンド粉末で作られた金属修復剤は、引張強度が71.98%、ねじり強度が19.75%、耐摩耗性が154.82%向上しました。 海外の報道によると、ナノダイヤモンド粉末は、航空機や船舶の胴体、翼、船体表面の有機シリコンコーティングに使用できるとのことです。コーティングの耐腐食性、不凍性、耐熱性、耐老化性を高め、弾力性、破壊強度、引裂強度などを向上させ、表面コーティングの耐用年数を1.5~2.0倍に延ばすことができますが、コストは1~2%しか増加しません。

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Nano Diamonds in the Mechanical Industry

(1)Nano Diamond Powder Composite Coating Nano Diamond Powder Composite Coating Technology is one of the key technologies for product manufacturing. Through surface coating, the surface of the product can be protected by a protective layer of controlled composition and organization, which significantly improves the service life and reliability of the product. For example: marine platforms,

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rare earth material

                  Rare earth materials are widely used, in addition to cell phones, TV screens, stereos, and energy-saving light bulbs, which are closely related to our lives, they are also important materials for the production of many high-tech products, such as electric cars, magnetic levitation trains, the nuclear energy industry,

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