

The Inseparable Relationship Between Diamonds and Superconductors

When discussing the connection between diamonds and superconductors, the most exciting topic is the superconductivity of diamonds. Under the right conditions, diamonds can exhibit superconducting properties, a discovery that has attracted significant attention in the scientific community and opened up new possibilities for superconducting technologies and applications. Initial Discovery of Diamond Superconductivity In 1991, scientists …

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An introduction to the history of superconductors

Superconductivity is a fascinating physical phenomenon where, under specific conditions, materials exhibit zero electrical resistance and expel magnetic fields completely. The history of this field is intertwined with the contributions of many renowned scientists, significant experimental discoveries, and theoretical breakthroughs. Let’s delve into the trajectory of superconductivity, exploring how this mysterious phenomenon has been progressively unveiled and applied.

Plastic Mould Steels

Mold Structure System When designing a mold, there are four key objective factors to consider: 1. Structural Rigidity: The hardness, tensile and compressive strength, toughness, and stress distribution of the mold core, mold frame, sliders, repeat-positioning pins, and mold base must be analyzed. 2. Physical and Chemical Properties of the End Product’s Material: Select appropriate …

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Precision Cutting

Processing can generally be divided into two major categories: one involves mass replication after mold creation, and the other uses various tools and specific materials to craft the required shape. Individual processing is further divided into the following three main categories: 1. Cutting: Includes drilling, milling, and turning. 2. Grinding: Includes surface grinding and cylindrical …

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Synthetic diamonds

The phrase “Diamonds are merely unremarkable carbon” highlights the essential truth that both diamonds and graphite are made of pure carbon, but in different forms, or allotropes. This discovery led to the continued pursuit of methods to artificially create diamonds. After 157 years of research, scientists found that a key factor in transforming carbon into diamonds is the use of catalysts, also known as chemical agents, to accelerate the process.

Definition of Grinding

Definition of Grinding What is grinding? Grinding can be described as “an operation that reduces the surface roughness of a workpiece as much as possible without damaging its shape.” Grinding is a machining action carried out using a grinding machine. In Chinese, grinding machines are referred to as “grinders,” known as “ken sakuban” in Japan. …

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