Honway Materials



源於對客戶的品質服務與責任。 宏崴實業創立以來, 研發出更多的新產品, 品牌形象更是在短時間內得到客戶的五星級滿譽, 亦獲得客戶寶貴的信任、 持續與客戶攜手研發創新。


是一家以人為本、 專業技術服務為中心的公司, 同時也是許多專業領域上的品牌領導者, 舉凡醫療用特殊材料至超硬材料, 超導熱材料到研磨拋光材料, 稀土材料及觸媒催化材料…...等。 在特殊稀有材料上的成功, 皆來自於宏崴每位員工對產品的堅持及對整體環境的洞悉觀察能力。


傾聽瞭解客戶的需求,用專業能力去創造出生活上的簡易性,以人性化的角度去帶動科技的腳步, 追求完美卓越的非凡世界,是宏崴對自己最大的期許,亦是宏崴實業對社會最大的責任。


Honway Materials

HonWay Co., Ltd. is one of the leading material company in Taiwan, providing the best, in-time product and also offer the most comprehensive consulting service. This supported by advance technology, integrated product line and our passionate people. We listen and care about clients’ needs, because HonWay  can offer more than just product needs,  it is the comprehensive service that establish the core value.

HonWay not only work as a company but also an idea bank, we believe that technology comes from human beings., creating a enjoyable working environment will inspire every staff in HonWay. We respect every voice from our people, and help them to fulfill their dream and encourage them to dream big. Our mission is to grow and win with customers, suppliers and also with our staff.

❝ 永不放棄任何可能的機會, 積極正面迎向最艱難的挑戰 ❞

❝ 重視員工的每一個想法, 輔助員工實現自我挑戰與夢想 ❞

❝ 放眼國際, 重視在地, 以持續穩定的成長, 讓台灣品牌站崗全球 ❞

❝ 尊重社會, 取之社會, 回饋社會, 公益全球 ❞

❝ 培養員工多元技能, 讓員工可以在各處成為優秀的領導者 ❞

❝ 以誠信踏實的態度, 攜手與全球合作夥伴共同成長茁壯 ❞

Honway Materials