Honway Materials
源于对客户的品质服务与责任。 宏崴实业创立以来, 研发出更多的新产品, 品牌形象更是在短时间内得到客户的五星级满誉, 亦获得客户宝贵的信任、 持续与客户携手研发创新。
是一家以人为本、 专业技术服务为中心的公司, 同时也是许多专业领域上的品牌领导者, 举凡医疗用特殊材料至超硬材料, 超导热材料到研磨抛光材料, 稀土材料及触媒催化材料…...等。 在特殊稀有材料上的成功, 皆来自于宏崴每位员工对产品的坚持及对整体环境的洞悉观察能力。
倾听了解客户的需求,用专业能力去创造出生活上的简易性,以人性化的角度去带动科技的脚步, 追求完美卓越的非凡世界,是宏崴对自己最大的期许,亦是宏崴实业对社会最大的责任。
Honway MaterialsHonWay Co., Ltd. is one of the leading material company in Taiwan, providing the best, in-time product and also offer the most comprehensive consulting service. This supported by advance technology, integrated product line and our passionate people. We listen and care about clients’ needs, because HonWay can offer more than just product needs, it is the comprehensive service that establish the core value.
HonWay not only work as a company but also an idea bank, we believe that technology comes from human beings., creating a enjoyable working environment will inspire every staff in HonWay. We respect every voice from our people, and help them to fulfill their dream and encourage them to dream big. Our mission is to grow and win with customers, suppliers and also with our staff.
❝ 永不放弃任何可能的机会, 积极正面迎向最艰难的挑战 ❞
❝ 重视员工的每一个想法, 辅助员工实现自我挑战与梦想 ❞
❝ 放眼国际, 重视在地, 以持续稳定的成长, 让台湾品牌站岗全球 ❞
❝ 尊重社会, 取之社会, 回馈社会, 公益全球 ❞
❝ 培养员工多元技能, 让员工可以在各处成为优秀的领导者 ❞
❝ 以诚信踏实的态度, 携手与全球合作伙伴共同成长茁壮 ❞
Honway Materials